设计简介 |
摘 要
井田工业储量为13508.04万t,矿井可采储量10314.4万t。矿井服务年限为61.4a。涌水量不大,矿井正常涌水量为60m3/h,最大涌水量为80 m3/h。矿井绝对瓦斯涌出量为44.84 m3/min, 相对瓦斯涌出量为11.49 m3/t, 属于高瓦斯矿井。
关键词:矿井 ;开拓 ;通风 ;运输 ;瓦斯 ;瓦斯抽采
This design includes three parts: Generally part,the special subject part and translation part.
Generally part of design for coal mine 1.2Mts/a mineral well of Zhongxing Coal Mine. It locates in the west of Jiao Cheng , shanxi province. The length of the minefield is 4km, the width is about 5.5km, well farmland total area is 19.8km2. The No.2 seam is the main coal seam, and the average dip angle is 10 degree. The average thickness of the mine is about 2.98m.
The well farmland industry keeps the quantity as 135.0804Mt, the mineral well can adopt to keep to measure 103.141Mts.The mineral well service time limit for 61.4 a. Flow out amount of water not big, the mineral well flows out a water to measure for the 60 m3/h normally, biggest flow out a water to measure for the 80 m3/h. Coal gas is the volume of 44.84 M3/min, the relative gas volume is 11.49 M3/t, is a high gas mineral well.
The exploiting mode of this coal mine is vertical shaft single level exploitation, and there are single main well, vice-well, air shaft. The ventilation mode of which is central boundary ventilation, and the wind enters from the vice- well, returns from the air shaft.
The transport mode of coal is belt conveyer transport and the assistant transport mode is wired motor vehicle traction tramcar transport. The main mining seams are No.2 seam. The working face is retreat mode and the coal mining is underhand mining mode. The mining method is dip longwall one pass cutting whole face fully-mechanized mining method. The excavation method is fully-excavated and the support mode is anchor cable support.
The working day is 330 days per year and the pure lifting transport time is 16 hours every day. The working organization mode is “3-8” applied in excavation face and work face.
The thematic part of the stope gas extraction technology research. This section describes the importance of the gas prevention and control work in the coal mine safety work, research and application of the significance of gas extraction, a variety of gas extraction method, while the mechanized mining face gas extraction technology in the actual application and gas drainage technologies a number of problems and improved methods are introduced. Finally, an instance of the Zhongxing Coal Mine, by using the method of gas extraction, to reduce and eliminate the threat of the mine gas of coal mine production safety, out to the gas extraction pipeline transported to the ground or other place of safety, can be used as fuel to use.
The trend of China coal mine accidents in the latest 10 years was studied and the human factors in these accidents were analyzed by multi-dimensional statistic analysis. It shows that the number of major coal mine accidents and the death toll in the accidents were decreasing steadily, while sporadic death accidents still accounted for the largest percentage of deaths. Improper operational and management practices in which the safety system, procedures and specifications were neglected or broken were still key roots of China coal mine accidents.
Key words: The mine pit ,exploitation ,ventilation ,transportation ,gas ,gas extraction
目 录
1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 1
1.1 矿区概述 1
1.1.1 地理位置、交通条件 1
1.1.2 地形、地貌特点 1
1.1.3 本区经济状况 2
1.1.4 电力、建筑材料的供应 2
1.1.5 气候条件 2
1.1.6 水文情况 2
1.2 井田地质特征 3
1.2.1 井田地质构造 3
1.2.2 水文地质 8
1.2.3 其他有益矿物 9
1.2.4 地温 10
1.3 煤层特征 10
1.3.1 煤层及其特征表 10
1.3.2 煤层顶、底板 11
1.3.3 煤质 11
1.3.4 瓦斯 13
1.3.5 煤尘及煤层自燃 13
2 井田开拓 14
2.1 井田境界及可采储量 14
2.1.1 井田境界 14
2.1.2 矿井储量 15
2.1.3 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 18
2.2 井田开拓 19
2.2.1 井田开拓的基本问题 19
2.2.2 矿井基本巷道 25
2.2.3 大巷运输设备选择 32
2.2.4 矿井提升 34
3 采煤方法及采区巷道布置 36
3.1 煤层的地质特征 36
3.1.1 煤层埋藏条件 36
3.1.2 煤质特征 36
3.1.3 煤层顶、底板条件 36
3.1.4 水文地质特征 36
3.1.5 煤层的瓦斯及自燃情况 36
3.1.6 地质构造 36
3.1.7 邻近层的关系 36
3.2 带区巷道布置及生产系统 36
3.2.1 首带区基本情况及区段划分 37
3.2.2 煤层的开采顺序和区段接替顺序 37
3.2.3 生产系统 37
3.2.4 带区车场 38
3.2.5 带区主要硐室布置 38
3.2.6 确定巷道的尺寸、支护 39
3.2.7 巷道掘进方法 39
3.2.8 带区生产能力确定 39
3.3 采煤方法 41
3.3.1 采煤工艺方式 41
3.3.2 回采巷道布置 47
4 矿井通风 49
4.1 矿井通风系统选择 49
4.1.1 矿井开拓开采条件 49
4.1.2 矿井通风系统的确定 49
4.1.3 主扇工作方法的确定 53
4.2 带区通风 54
4.2.1 对采区通风系统的基本要求 54
4.2.2 工作面通风 55
4.2.3 通风构筑物 56
4.3 掘进通风 56
4.3.1 掘进通风方法 56
4.3.2 掘进工作面需风量计算 57
4.3.3 掘进面的设计 58
4.4 矿井所需风量 60
4.4.1 矿井所需总风量的计算 60
4.4.2 矿井风量的分配 63
4.5 矿井通风阻力 65
4.5.1 矿井通风阻力的计算 65
4.5.2 矿井总风阻、等积孔计算 72
4.6 矿井主要通风机选型 73
4.6.1 主要风机选型 73
4.6.2 电动机选型 77
4.7 矿井反风措施及装置 78
4.7.1 矿井反风的目的和意义 78
4.7.2 反风方法 78
4.7.3 区域性反风和局部反风 78
4.8 概算矿井通风费用 79
4.9 防止特殊灾害的安全措施 80
5 矿井安全技术措施 86
5.1 预防自燃 86
5.2 预防瓦斯爆炸的措施 86
5.3 预防煤尘爆炸的措施 87
5.4 粉尘的综合防治 90
5.5 预防井下火灾的措施 92
5.6 预防井下水灾的措施 92
5.7 矿井综合监控 93
5.8 矿山救护队及消防站 94
回采工作面瓦斯抽采技术研究 95
1 煤矿瓦斯抽采的意义 95
1.1 我国煤矿开采现状 95
1.2 瓦斯抽采的必要性 96
1.3 我国煤矿瓦斯抽采现状 97
2 瓦斯抽采技术 97
2.1 综采工作面瓦斯治理的重要性 97
2.2 瓦斯抽采的判断依据 97
2.3瓦斯抽采的方法 98
2.3.1 本煤层抽采瓦斯 100
2.3.2 邻近层抽采瓦斯 103
2.3.3 采空区抽采瓦斯 105
2.3.4 围岩瓦斯抽采 108
2.4 瓦斯抽放系统 108
3 瓦斯抽采优化 109
3.1瓦斯抽采率低的原因分析 109
3.2提高矿井瓦斯抽采率的途径 111
3.2.1合理选择抽采方法 111
3.2.2提高煤层透气性 111
3.2.3选择合理的抽采参数 112
3.2.4选择合理的抽采形式 113
3.2.5选择合理的钻孔布置方式 114
3.2.6选择合理有效的封孔方式及材料 114
4中兴煤矿回采工作面瓦斯抽采设计 115
4.1 矿井概况 115
4.2 首采2101工作面概况 115
4.3瓦斯抽采方法 117
4.3.1 工作面瓦斯来源分析 117
4.3.2 2101工作面掘进、回采期间抽采设计 117
4.3.3 钻孔的验收、衔接与拆除 118
4.3.4 封孔方式、材料及封孔工艺 119
4.3.5 材、运巷本煤层钻孔、及采空区抽采钻孔施工设备 119
4.4分源瓦斯抽采管路铺设设计 120
4.4.1 运巷管路铺设设计 120
4.4.2 材巷管路铺设设计 120
4.4.3 抽采巷管路铺设设计 120
4.4.4 钻孔施工安全技术措施 121
4.4.5 抽采管路安装及拆除 122
4.4.6 泵站司机及钻孔观测 122
4.4.7 避灾路线 123
5 结论 123
英文原文 125
中文译文 135
致 谢 144