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摘 要
2.井田开拓:全井田南北走向长17.3~16.5km,东西倾斜宽6~9km,井田面积约123km2。全矿井设计可采储量为 572.78Mt,其中15号煤不经济可采储量为173.33Mt,15号煤设计可采储量为408.27Mt,为首采煤层。本设计的矿井为大型矿井,开拓方式为主斜副立开拓,按4.0Mt/a的设计生产能力计算,15号煤服务年限为73a。
4. 矿井通风设计:根据矿井的开拓开采的条件,矿井开采中央、南一和北一采区时采用中央并列式抽出式通风,矿井开采其余六个采区时,随着通风线路加长,中央并列式通风系统不能满足要求,采取分区式通风系统。矿井的风量分配由内向外计算,工作面采用“U+L”型通风,掘进工作面采用局扇进行压入式通风,根据矿井通风容易和困难时期的阻力选择主扇,矿井利用反风道反风。
This design including three parts, namely mine pit new well design part (common part), special part and translated part.
The common part is the positive coal group temple village 4,000,000 ton well new well design.Its content mainly has:
1.Mining area outlines and well field geological feature: The temple village ore is located within the boundaries of Xiyang County, the geographical position is superior, the transportation is convenient, this well field assumes a monoclinal structure basically, the structure complex degree medium.The well field moves towards for the northwest, inclines to the southwest, the stratum quite is gentle, inclination angle generally for 5°~10°.In this well field altogether contains coal 18, from the top downward may pick and may mine coal partially the level to have 6, 81, 84, 9 and 15 coal beds, the total thickness reaches 9.9m.15 coal entire area stable may pick, for mainly may mine coal the level, also is the first mining coal level, greatest thickness 7.65m, average thickness 5.48m.
2. Well field development: The entire well field north and south move towards long 17.3~16.5km, the thing incline extend 6~9km, well field area approximately 123km2.Uneconomical recoverable resources total 282.13Mt, 15 coal uneconomical recoverable resources are 173.33Mt.The entire mine pit design recoverable resources are 572.78Mt, 15 coal design recoverable resources are 408.27Mt.The mine pit uses sets up the synthesis development plan slanting, according to the 4.0Mt/a design productivity computation, the entire mine pit service life is 102a, 15 coal service life is 73a.
3. Mining coal methods and pick the area tunnel arrangement: Uses panel mining, designs the working surface to use moves towards the long wall mining coal law, uses puts goes against the coal synthesis to pick the craft.As soon as returns to picks the tunnel the arrangement way for to enter two Gao Chou (to enter wind lane, returns to wind lane, an in wrong tail lane, Gao Chouxiang).The mine pit reassignment produces and achieved when design productivity altogether arranges two to put goes against the coal synthesis to pick the working surface.Two return picks the working surface sum total output is 3.82Mt/a.Returns picks the working surface output to add on the tunneling coal output sum total is the mine pit ultimate output, is 4.2Mt/a.Designs the working surface to use 38 system work.
4. Mine ventilation: This mine pit for the large-scale modernized mine pit, the well field scope is big, the gas gushes out the quantity to be big, from the entire mine pit development arrangement looked should use the district to ventilate.But in order to save the initial period well lane resilience, reduces the investment, the production panel centralism arrangement in the air shaft north and south two wings, ventilates the line to be short, can ventilate the request satisfiedly, the initial period forms the central march-past ventilation system.The mine pit production later period, along with ventilates the line to lengthen, the central march-past ventilation system cannot satisfy the request, adopts the district type ventilation system.The design uses extracts the type to ventilate the way.The mine pit total amount of wind initial period takes 250m3/s, the later period takes 350 m3/s.Selects 2 GAF35.5-19-1 forming rolls to flow the type air blower, a work, spare.
5. Mine safety technology measure: About fire accident prevention and processing plan establishment.
Special part: High gas tunneling surface gas power phenomenon theory and research.Its main content includes:
This topic has first enumerated each kind of gas power phenomenonwhich the tunneling surface frequently appears, and guarded againstthe suddenly each kind of measure fit and unfit quality to thetunneling surface to carry on the comparison, finally above villagecoal mine was the example, the utilization "a four body" the ideapulled out using the gas puts and hits the release of pressure drillhole the measure to carry on the comprehensive program of public orderto the high gas mine pit tunneling working surface gas. And obtains intwo innovations achievements government tunneling process the gas tobe prominent.
Translated part: The synthesis picks puts goes against the characteristic and preventing and controlling which the coal gas gushes out.
目 录
1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 1
1.1矿区概况 1
1.1.1矿区地理位置及地形特点 1
1.1.2矿区交通条件 1
1.1.3矿区居民点及工、农业情况 1
1.1.4矿区内煤矿分布 2
1.1.5矿区建设及生产原料和建筑材料供应情况 2
1.1.6矿区电力供应及水源供应 2
1.1.7矿区内煤的自燃及地温 3
1.1.8矿区气候条件 3
1.1.9矿区水文情况 3
1.2井田地质特征 4
1.3煤层特征 7
2 井田开拓 8
2.1井田境界及可采储量 8
2.1.1井田境界 8
2.1.2可采储量 8
2.1.3矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 11
2.2井田开拓 12
2.2.1井田开拓的基本问题 12
2.2.2矿井基本巷道 18
2.2.3大巷运输设备选择 38
2.2.4矿井提升 38
3 采煤方法及采区巷道布置 39
3.1煤层的地质特征 39
3. 1. 1 煤层 39
3. 1. 2 煤质 39
3. 1. 3顶底板岩层 39
3. 1. 4邻近矿井及本井田煤的自燃性 40
3.2采区巷道布置及生产系统 40
3.2.1采区划分 40
3.2.2采区主要硐室及工作面布置 40
3.2.3采区通风系统和运输系统 41
3.3采煤方法 42
3.3.1采煤工艺方式 42
3.3.2回采巷道布置 46
4 矿井通风 49
4.1矿区通风系统选择 49
4.2采区通风 52
4.2.1采区通风总体要求 53
4.2.2采区通风构筑物 53
4.2.3工作面通风 53
4.2.4回采工作面所需风量的计算 54
4.3掘进通风 57
4.3.1掘进通风的基本要求 58
4.3.2掘进通风方法的选择 58
4.3.3掘进通风方式的选择 58
4.3.4掘进面的设计条件 60
4.3.5掘进通风设备 61
4.3.6掘进通风安全技术措施 62
4.4矿井所需风量 62
4.4.1矿井风量计算原则 62
4.4.2矿井需风量的计算 63
4.4.3采煤工作面需风量 63
4.4.4备用工作面需风量 64
4.4.5掘进工作面需风量 64
4.4.6硐室需风量 65
4.4.7其它需风量 65
4.4.8矿井总风量计算 65
4.4.9矿井风量分配 66
4.5矿井通风阻力 67
4.5.1矿井通风总阻力计算原则 67
4.5.2矿井通风容易、困难时期的确定 67
4.5.3矿井总风阻、等积孔计算 67
4.5.4矿井最大阻力路线 73
4.6矿井主要通风机选型 79
4.6.1主要风机选型原则 79
4.6.2矿井自然风压 80
4.6.3主要通风机风压、风量计算 81
4.6.4主扇的选择 83
4.6.5对矿井主要通风设备的要求 86
4.7 矿井反风措施及装置 87
4.7.1矿井反风的目的及意义 87
4.7.2对反风、风硐的基本要求 88
4.7.3矿井反风的方法及反风装置 88
4.7.4区域性反风和局部反风 89
4.8矿井通风费用概算 89
4.9防止特殊灾害的安全措施 90
4.9.1瓦斯灾害防治 90
4.9.2粉尘防治 91
4.9.3预防井下火灾及煤层自然发火的措施 91
4.9.4水灾防治措施 92
4.9.5顶板事故防治措施 93
4.9.6运输提升事故的防治 93
4.9.7其它 94
5 矿井安全技术措施 94
5.1火灾事故预防及处理计划的编制 94
5.1.1事故时期人员撤退路线及抢险人员的措施 94
5.1.2事故告急方法 95
5.1.3事故期间通风方法 96
5.1.4处理事故的措施 97
5.1.5参加处理人员的职责划分 98
1 绪论 102
1.1工作面瓦斯的危害性 102
1.2目前采空区瓦斯治理现状及存在的问题 103
2 矿井概况 104
2.1矿井概况 104
2.2工作面通风 104
3 工作面瓦斯涌出及分布规律 105
3.1工作面的瓦斯情况 105
3.1.1工作面瓦斯概况 105
3.1.2采面瓦斯浓度的分布 105
3.1.3采面瓦斯涌出的不稳定性 105
3.2采空区瓦斯涌出 106
3.2.1采空区瓦斯来源 106
3.2.2采空区的漏风状况 107
3.2.3采空区瓦斯分布特征及涌出规律 107
3.2.4采空区瓦斯涌出有效深度 108
4 工作面瓦斯涌出的计算 109
4.1 影响采面瓦斯涌出的因素概述 109
4.1.1采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量预测 109
4.2配风与采空区(采面)瓦斯涌出之间的关系 110
4.3不同通风系统对采空区瓦斯涌出的影响 111
4.4采空区内部与采面间的压差对采空区瓦斯涌出的的影响 111
4.5地质因素与瓦斯涌出量的关系 111
5瓦斯抽放现状分析 112
5.1 采空区瓦斯的来源及危害 113
5.2 影响瓦斯抽放效果的因素 113
5.2.1 国内矿井瓦斯抽放率低原因分析 113
5.2.2 合理选择抽放方法 115
5.2.3选择合理的抽放参数 116
5.2.4 选择合理的钻孔布置方式 118
5.2.5 选择合理有效的钻孔封孔方式及材料 118
5.2.6 其它途径 119
6 抽放方法与抽放系统选择 120
6.1概述 120
6.2 瓦斯抽放系统 120
6.2.1瓦斯抽放 120
6.2.2矿井年抽放量及抽放年限 123
6.2.3抽放瓦斯的必要性和可能性 126
6.2.4抽放瓦斯方法 127
7 结论 129
参考文献 140
致 谢 142