设计简介 |
摘 要
The paper consists of three parts, namely the design of a new mine (the general part), the special part and the part of translation.
The general part is about designing a new mine with production capacity of 1800 thousand tons of Xinyuan Coal Mine in YANGQUAN COAL INDUSTRY GROUP in Shanxi Province. The main is as following:
1. The general of the mine. It is located within the boundaries of Shouyang County in Shanxi Province, with ascendant geographic location and convenient transportation. The mine trend covers 10 kilometers long and 5.5 kilometers wide. No.3 coal seam is the main minable one, and its dip angle is at an angle of 10 or so, belonging to the type of high density of gas. It has comparatively simple geological conditions.
2. The design for opening up and mining. According to the storage conditions of Xinyuan Coal Mine’s coal seam and the specification for design the Ministry of Coal issued, it is decided that it adopts inclined shaft and vertical shaft to open up the mine, with +630m above level, and that the service life of the mine is 69-year.
3. The design for the method of coal mining. The designed coal faces are adopted long wall mining method along dip and totally mechanized coal mining technique, and to deal with the empty it is used the method of the whole caving in. At a coal face it can reach the planned yield and the average production capacity of the coal faces can reach up to 1690 thousand tons per year. It is used four-shift system.
4. The design for ventilation. In accordance with the conditions of opening up and mining, it is appropriate to adopt divisional ventilation, and the distribution of the wind is computed from the inside to the outside. The coal faces are used “W” type to ventilate. Partial blowers are used for ventilation by high pressure on the stub entry. BDNo22 master blowers are suitable for the ventilating resistance of both easy and hard ventilating times. Blowers’ reversal can realize reversal ventilation in the mine.
5. Underground haulage and hoisting. It makes use of 1.2-meter-wide high-power rubber belt to transport coal, and uniformly uses trackless conveyors with rubber wheels as aided-transportation. It uses wire ropes and high-power rubber belts to hoist coal in main shaft, while trackless vehicles with rubber wheels as aided-transportation in auxiliary shaft.
6. The design for other safe techniques in mine. It mainly comprises anti-water, anti-gas, anti-coal dust and so on.
The special part refers to that, Xinyuan Coal Mine is a high-gas mine with a mass of gas emission and its coal seam is very deep, which severely affect the safe production of the mine. Because of the great seam gas content and release on the drifting faces, the over limit gas accidents occur easily in the process of breaking through roadways. To analysis the reason why gas accidents occur in
high gas outburst mines during breaking through roadways, is significant for making efficient safety measures and avoiding gas accidents. I suggest some views on the integrative control over the gas in the galleries of high-gas mines theoretically. It need to find out the regularity of gas emission in Xinyuan Coal Mine and formulate a suit of scientific and reliable technology of gas prevention and cure to heighten the technical level of gas prevention and cure in mine and insure its safe production.
1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 1
1.1 矿区概述 1
1.1.2地形地貌 2
1.1.3 河流及水体 2
1.1.4 气象及地震 2
1.2 井田地质特征 3
1.2.1 井田地质构造 4
1.2.3 其它有益矿产 9
1.3 煤层特征 11
1.3.1 煤层 11
1.3.2 煤质 11
1.3.4煤尘及煤的自燃性 14
1.3.5矿井地温 14
2井田境界及可采储量 14
2.1井田境界 14
2.1.1井田范围 14
2.1.2可采储量 15
2.1.3矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 16
2.2井田开拓 18
2.2.1井田开拓的基本问题 18
2.2.2井口及工业场地位置的选择 19
2.2.3井田开拓方案: 27
2.2.4矿井基本巷道 28
2.2.5大巷运输设备选择: 37
3采煤方法及采区巷道布置 42
3.1煤层的地质特征 42
3.1.1 煤层 42
3.1.2 煤质 43
3.1.3瓦斯 43
3.1.4煤尘及煤的自燃性 43
3.1.5邻近矿井及本井田瓦斯 43
3.2采煤巷道布置及生产系统 44
3.2.1巷道布置原则 44
3.2.2带区巷道特征与巷道布置 44
3.3采煤方法: 44
3.3.1采煤工艺方式: 44
3.3.2采区划分及开采顺序: 49
4矿井通风 52
4.1矿井通风系统选择 52
4.1.2通风系统选择 55
4.1.3通风方法 55
4.2采区通风 56
4.2.1采区通风总体要求 56
4.2.2采区通风的基本要求 56
4.2.3工作面上行风与下行风的确定 57
4.2.4工作面通风方式 57
4.2.5采区通风构筑物 59
4.2.6回采工作面风量计算 60
4.3掘进通风 61
4.3.1掘进通风方式的确定 62
4.3.2硐室配风量 66
4.3.3其它配风量 66
4.4矿井所需风量 66
4.4.1矿井风量分配 67
4.4.2自然风压 67
4.5矿井通风阻力 69
4.5.1矿井最大阻力路线 69
4.6矿井主要通风机选型 72
4.6.1通风机风压 73
4.6.2通风机风量 73
4.6.3矿井风机选型及技术分析 74
4.6.4电动机选型 74
4.6.5矿井主要通风机的安装、使用及维护 76
4.7矿井反风措施及装置 77
4.7.1矿井反风的目的和意义 77
4.7.2 反风方法及反风装置 77
4.7.3 区域性反风和局部反风 77
4.8概算矿井通风费用 78
4.9防止特殊灾害的安全措施 79
4.9.1预防瓦斯灾害的一般性措施 79
4.9.2预防煤尘爆炸的措施 80
4.9.3预防煤和瓦斯突出的措施 80
4.9.4预防井下火灾的措施 80
4.9.5预防井下水灾的措施 81
5矿井安全技术措施 81
5.1矿井安全技术概况 81
5.1.1煤尘及煤的自燃性 81
5.1.2矿井地温 81
5.1.3瓦斯 81
5.2矿井瓦斯 81
5.2.1矿井瓦斯地质条件 82
5.2.2矿井及采区瓦斯涌出情况 82
5.2.3矿井瓦斯等级鉴定 84
5.2.4瓦斯基础参数测定 84
5.2.5矿井瓦斯防治措施 90
5.2.6 安全 92
5.2.7抽放瓦斯的综合利用及评价 94
5.3 开采煤与瓦斯突出煤层防突措施 95
5.3.1矿井设计中防突措施 95
5.3.2防突措施 96
5.3.3煤与瓦斯突出预测仪器 97
5.3.4避灾硐室 97
高瓦斯矿井巷道贯通防突措施 98
1. 问题的提出 98
2. 巷道贯通时瓦斯事故隐患分析 99
2.1 矿井瓦斯概况 99
2.2 巷道贯通时瓦斯事故隐患的形成 99
2.3 原因分析 100
3. 解决的办法和措施 100
3.1选择巷道贯通地点应注意的几个问题 100
3.2 巷道贯通要采取的措施 101
4. E30101工作面与尾巷(回风斜巷)贯通安全技术措施 104
参考文献 108
翻译部分 110
英文原文 110
中文译文 121