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摘  要

翻译部分题目为:“Support design of soft rock tunnel”。
关键词:综放工作面   放煤步距 

This design includes three parts: the general part , the special part and the translation part.
The general part is about the design of the new well in XinYang mine,which Productivity is 4 million tons. The whole article is divided into ten parts totally: the outline of pit and the quality feature of the well field 、the well field boundary and its reserves、duty degree of the pit、the design productivity and the limited service time 、development of the well field、the standby mode - tunnel arrangement in picking areas、the method of mining coal、 the transportation of mine shaft、 hoisting and transportation in mine 、pit ventilation and security, and the major economic technical index of the pit.
  The limited liability company of XinYang mine of Fen Xi,located in Xiao Yi city of Shan Xi province. It cover three towns :Xia Bao 、Dui Zheng and Zhu Pu . The width of North and south is approximately 7.3 km, thing long is approximately 6.4 km, mining area is approximately32.8 km2. The mining area is apart from the Xiao Yi city western about 20 kilometers, which is apart from Jie Xiu city approximately 42 kilometers. The western of the XinYang mine is adjacent to Yang Quan Qu , northeast is adjacent to ShuiYu mine. north is to the Xia Bao river , south to Dui Zheng river ,which is a natural boundary, it is overall to submit rectangle.
9# Coal seam is the layer of coal mining, thickness is about  9.83 m. the average inclination is 90. In well field, industrial reserves are 72,321,000,000 tons, recoverable reserves are 50,688,400,000 tons. Water gushing quantity in pit normally 110 m3/h, belong to low gas pit. Coal dust has explosive dangerousness, and coal seam have spontaneous combustion which has the trend to burn.
The productivity is 4 million tons in XinYang mine. the limited service time is 90.6 a . The mine pit work routine is "46". The mine pit mining coal method is moves towards the long wall completely to break down falls a time to pick entire high and Synthesis automation mining to put goes against the coal to mining. The mine pit is single-level panel pioneering. The horizontal elevation is +750m, using the vertical shaft development, the main vertical shaft mainly uses to upgrading coal, the vice- vertical shaft mainly uses to promote the personnel, the gangue, and the material and so on.
The mine pit selects a highly effective workmethod that is an ore at the same time.the length of the working surface is 200m. the big Transportation lane uses the adhesive tape to transport coal, the big track lane uses the accumulator cell electric locomotive to tow the 1.5t fixed box type mine car to transport the gangue and the material and so on.
Mine ventilation system is the extracting ventilation, ventilation shaft layout way for earlier period is central committee compound, later period is the central march-past.
The topic partial mainly introduce that in present stage puting goes against in coal mining to go against the coal of the motion rule and reasonable choice of putting coal step of distance and so on.
Translation is a part of the aquifer under the coal mining case , the topic is: "Study on technology of supporting".
Key word:The synthesis puts the working surface  ;  coal step of distance

目    录

1  矿区概述及井田地质特征 1
1.1 矿区概述 1
1.1.1 地理位置 1
1.1.2 地形、地貌 1
1.1.3 交通条件 1
1.1.4 本区内的工业和农业 1
1.1.5 供电供水 2
1.1.6 气候条件 3
1.1.7  水文情况 3
1.1.8  地震 3
1.2 井田地质特征 3
1.2.1 井田的地形 3
1.2.2  井田的勘探 3
1.2.3 地层的概述 4
1.2.4 井田地质构造 6
1.2.5 井田的水文地质特征 7
1.3 煤层特征 11
1.3.1 煤层的埋藏特征 11
1.3.2 煤层 11
1.3.3 煤层及围岩性质 11
1.3.4  煤质 13
1.3.5 瓦斯、煤尘和煤的自燃 15
2 井田境界和储量 19
2.1 井田境界 19
2.1.1 井田范围 19
2.1.2 开采界限 19
2.1.3 井田尺寸 19
2.2 矿井工业储量 20
2.2.1 储量计算基础 20
2.2.2 井田地质勘探 20
2.2.3 工业储量计算 21
2.3 矿井可采储量 21
2.3.1 安全煤柱留设原则 21
2.3.2 矿井永久保护煤柱损失量 22
2.3.3 矿井可采储量 23
3  矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限 24
3.1 矿井工作制度 24
3.1.1 矿井每昼夜净提升小时数的确定 24
3.2 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 24
3.2.1 确定依据 24
3.2.2 矿井设计生产能力 24
3.2.3 矿井服务年限 24
3.2.4 井型校核 25
4  井田开拓 26
4.1 井田开拓的基本问题 26
4.1.1 确定井筒形式、数目、位置及坐标 26
4.1.2 工业场地的位置 27
4.1.3 开采水平的确定及采盘区划分 27
4.1.4 主要开拓巷道 27
4.1.5 方案比较 28
4.2  矿井的基本巷道 32
4.2.1 井筒 32
4.2.2 井底车场及硐室 35
    4.3  主要开拓巷道 37
5 准备方式—盘区巷道布置 43
5.1 煤层的地质特征 43
5.1.1 盘区煤层特征 43
5.1.2 煤层顶底板岩石构造情况 43
5.1.3 水文地质 43
5.1.4 地表情况 43
5.2 盘区巷道布置及生产系统 43
5.2.1 盘区准备方式的确定 43
5.2.2 盘区位置 44
5.2.3 采煤方法及工作面长度的确定 44
5.2.4 盘区巷道的联络方式 44
5.2.5 分带煤柱的留设 44
5.2.6  煤层的开采顺序和工作面的接替顺序 44
5.2.7 盘区主要生产系统 44
5.2.8  确定盘区各种巷道的尺寸、支护方式 44
5.2.9 确定盘区生产能力和采出率 46
5.2.8 盘区主要硐室布置 47
5.3 盘区车场选型设计 48
6 采煤方法 49
6.1 采煤工艺方式 49
6.1.1 盘区煤层特征及地质条件 49
6.1.2 确定采煤工艺方式 49
6.1.3 回采工作面参数 50
6.1.4 回采工作面破煤、装煤和运煤方式的确定 50
6.1.5 回采工作面支护方式 54
6.1.6 端头支护及超前支护方式 56
6.1.7 合理采放、放顶步距、放煤方式的确定比 57
6.1.8 各工艺过程注意事项 58
6.1.9 回采工作面正规循环作业 59
6.2 回采巷道布置 63
6.2.1 回采巷道布置方式 63
6.2.2 回采巷道参数 63
7 井下运输 66
7.1 概述 66
7.1.1 井下运输设计的原始条件和数据 66
7.1.2 矿井设计生产能力及工作制度 66
7.1.3 矿井运输系统 66
7.2 盘区运输设备选择 67
7.2.1 设备选型原则: 67
7.2.2 盘区运输设备选型及能力验算 67
7.2.3 运输设备的运输能力验算 68
7.3大巷运输设备选择 69
7.3.1主运输大巷设备选择 69
7.3.2辅助运输大巷设备选择 70
7.3.3运输设备能力验算 71
8 矿井提升 72
8.1 矿井提升概述 72
8.2 主副井提升 72
8.2.1 主井提升 72
8.2.2 副井提升设备选型 73
9 矿井通风及安全 75
9.1 矿井概况 75
9.1.1 矿井地质概况 75
9.1.2 开拓方式 75
9.1.3 开采方法 75
9.1.4 变电所、充电硐室、火药库 75
9.1.5 工作制、人数 75
9.2 矿井通风系统的确定 75
9.2.1 矿井通风系统的基本要求 75
9.2.2 矿井通风方式的选择 76
9.2.3 矿井主扇工作方式选择 78
9.2.4 盘区通风系统的要求 79
9.2.5 工作面通风方式的选择 79
9.2.6 通风构筑物 81
9.3 矿井风量计算 81
9.3.1 采煤工作面所需风量的计算 81
9.3.2掘进工作面需风量的计算 83
9.3.3 硐室需风量 84
9.3.4 其它巷道所需风量 84
9.3.5 矿井总风量 84
9.3.6 风量分配 85
9.4 矿井通风阻力计算 86
9.4.1矿井最大阻力路线 86
9.5 矿井通风机的选择 92
9.5.1 矿井的自然风压 93
9.5.2  主扇工况点 94
9.5.3 初选通风机 94
9.6 电动机选型 94
9.7 防止特殊灾害的安全措施 96
9.7.1 预防瓦斯和煤尘爆炸的措施 111
9.7.2 预防火灾事故 112
9.7.3 矿井防治水措施 113
10  设计矿井基本技术经济指标 114
参 考 文 献 115
巷道围岩支护技术研究 117
1前言 118
2深矿井开采出现的问题 120
3深井开采巷道布置与开采部署 122
4深井巷道矿压显现特点 123
5深井巷道支护与围岩的相互作用原理 124
6深井开采巷道支护技术研究 126
7深井开采巷道支护方式 130
8巷道围岩松动圈支护理论 132
9深井开采巷道布置要求 132
10深矿井开拓和准备巷道的保护 134
11深部开采的应对措施 135
12深部开采的应对措施 145
英文原文 146
中文译文 152
致谢 153


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