设计简介 |
前言 - 2 -
1 概述 - 3 -
1.1 液压技术起源 - 3 -
1.2 液压传动的优缺点 - 3 -
2 液压系统的设计依据和负载特性分析 - 6 -
2.1 液压系统的设计依据 - 6 -
2.2 液压系统的负载特性分析 - 6 -
3 液压系统主要参数的确定 - 11 -
3.1 系统工作压力的确定 - 11 -
3.2 执行元件主要参数的确定 - 11 -
3.3执行元件流量的确定 - 14 -
4 液压系统的方案选择和原理图的拟定 - 16 -
4.1 基本方案的拟定 - 16 -
5 液压元件的基本参数计算和选型 - 20 -
5.1 液压泵的选择 - 20 -
5.2 液压控制阀的选择 - 23 -
5.3 液压附件的参数计算和选择 - 24 -
6 液压系统性能验算 - 27 -
6.1 液压系统压力损失验算 - 27 -
6.2 系统效率的估算 - 28 -
6.3 系统的发热和温升计算 - 30 -
7 液压传动系统的结构设计 - 32 -
7.1 液压系统总体布局 - 32 -
7.2 集成块的设计 - 32 -
7.3 液压阀的结构设计 - 33 -
8 液压系统密封装置的选用 - 34 -
8.1 影响密封装置性能的因素 - 34 -
8.2 密封装置的选用要求 - 34 -
8.3 密封装置的使用要素 - 34 -
8.4 密封装置的选择 - 35 -
9 液压系统工作介质的选择 - 36 -
9.1 工业生产对液压油的使用要求: - 36 -
9.2 液压油的选用: - 37 -
10 液压系统的安装 - 38 -
10.1 液压传动系统的安装 - 38 -
11结论 - 40 -
参考文献 - 41 -
致谢 - 42 -
In this time graduation project, I have designed CK3180QZ-4001 on the numerical control lathe the center rest and hold the material equipment's hydraulic system. In the design process, I through the consult material, have applied the hydraulic transmission general principle and system's principle of design, and has applied the hydraulic system functional element's choice, valve class part's shaping, integration block design, system layout, seal and hydraulic fluid knowledge and so on choice. Finally I design this hydraulic pressure station has completed system's design requirements, this hydraulic pressure stands in satisfies the original request in the situation to realize the weight to be light, the volume is small, the cost is low, the efficiency is high, the structure is simple, use maintenance convenient request.
In engine bed profession, particularly in the centralized positioning and tows material and so on to need the reciprocal motion, and commutates frequently on the organization, selects the hydraulic system to take its control system is most reasonable. In the design process, must display the hydraulic transmission as far as possible the strong point which compares with other transmission form manifests, limits hydraulic system's shortcoming is smallest, but must conform to the weight to be light, the volume is small, the cost is low, the efficiency higher characteristic, satisfies customer's all requests as far as possible.
Key words: Numerical control lathe; Hydraulic system; Hydraulic pressure station;