设计简介 |
摘 要
关键词: 轮心,堆焊机,减速器,动力头。
The motorcycle round heart means the part matching with axle car wheel, it is the importance of the railroad train to lead to spread a parts. Round bore inside the heart and axle in order to lead Ying to match with, just rise method assemble with the heat. In this case, the railroad train runs about round bore inside the heart with axle have no opposite sport, don't wear away. While appearing to replace stalk or maintaining circumstances like spare parts, etc of axle, need to disintegrate car wheel, at this time axle will from the round the bore inside the heart drive strong line of press out, the bore stalk match noodles will be broken. In order to make the axle attain the status that can work, the round bore noodles inside the heart needs a heap of Han and machine to process and resumes inside the clean degree of the bore shape and the surface. The heap Han machine designed by this text decelerates a machine to used for this work preface. Round the heart heap Han machine mainly from power head, tail, weld a small car, base and lead track and control box six greatest parts to constitute. The deceleration machine designed by this text belongs to a part of the power head of the heap's Han machine.
The round designed by this text the heart heap Han machine decelerate machine, work Be particularly lie in spreading motive to reach and stalk of design. The initial purpose of the work is satisfy basic use function, secondly is on this foundation as far as possible decrease decelerate machine of physical volume and weight make its structure tightly packed, process to make convenient. Power head deceleration machine the structure contain a lot of categories, the text initial contented function index sign is soon ratio and strength, after again from assemble been convenience, narrow a physical volume and decline low cost etc. to take into to consider. It is easy to should have the deceleration machine after designing production, simple structure, credibility practical, install a characteristics with convenient and low cost.
Key words: round heart, heap Han machine, deceleration machine, power head
目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 1
1.3本课题应达到的要求 3
2 轮心堆焊机的主要技术 4
2.1 堆焊 4
2.2 轮心堆焊 4
3 总体方案的选定与设计 6
3.1 初选电动机类型和结构型式 6
3.2 电动机的容量 7
3.2.1 确定减速器所需的功率 7
3.2.2确定传动装置效率 7
3.2.3电动机的技术数据 8
4 传动装置的传动比及动力参数计算 9
4.1 传动装置运动参数的计算 9
4.1.1各轴功率计算 9
4.1.2各轴转速的计算 9
4.1.3各轴输入扭矩的计算 9
5 减速器部件的选择计算 10
5.1 蜗杆传动设计计算 10
5.1.1 选择蜗杆、蜗轮材料 10
5.1.2 确定蜗杆头数Z 及蜗轮齿数Z 10
5.1.3 确定蜗杆蜗轮中心距a 10
5.1.4 蜗杆传动几何参数设计 11
5.1.5 热平衡计算 13
5.2 环面蜗轮蜗杆校核计算 13
5.3 轴的结构设计 15
5.3.1 蜗杆轴的设计 15
5.3.2 蜗轮轴的设计 17
5.4 轴的校核 20
5.4.1 蜗杆轴的强度校核 20
5.4.2 蜗轮轴的强度校核 22
5.5 滚动轴承的选择及校核 25
5.5.1 蜗杆轴滚动轴承的选择及校核 25
5.5.2 蜗轮轴上轴承的校核 27
5.6 键联接的强度校核 28
5.6.1 蜗杆轴上安装联轴器处的键联接 28
5.6.2 蜗轮轴上装蜗轮处的键联接 28
5.6.3 蜗轮轴上装联轴器处的键联接 28
5.7 箱体结构尺寸及说明 29
5.8 减速器的润滑和密封 30
5.9 减速器的附件 31
5.9.1 窥视孔和视孔盖 31
5.9.2 通气器 31
5.9.3 定位销 32
5.9.4 起盖螺钉 32
5.9.5 起吊装置 32
5.9.6 放油孔及螺塞 33
5.10 减速器的安装,使用及维护 33
5.10.1 减速器的安装 33
6 结论与展望 35
6.1结论 35
6.2不足之处及未来展望 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37