设计简介 |
摘 要
Numerical control technology is the core technology of the advanced manufacturing technology and equipment, machinery manufacturing competition, and its essence is the competition of numerical control technology.From the numerical control technology and equipment development trend, its main research focus has the following several aspects:1 .The direction of function development;2. The direction of structural system development;3. High speed, high efficiency, high precision and high reliability;
CK6163 numerical controlled machine tool is the open loop type digital program controlled lathe. To inside and outside the cylinder, cone surface, such as processing arc face, straight thread and taper thread. Start, stop, and variable speed machine tool spindle, longitudinal and transverse feed motion of stroke and speed, transformation and the cooling of a tool, can be controlled automatically. And with a straight line, taper, straight thread and automatic cycle function of taper thread and so on.
CK6163 numerical controlled machine tool headstock, transmission, feeding mechanism, tool carriage, control box, etc. Bedside box by manipulating the oil cylinder piston rod to control the bidirectional drive fork of the internal tooth clutch connected or relax, for level 4 speed of spindle. Separation is used in the main movement transmission so that realize four speed gearbox. Feed mechanism by the bed saddle longitudinal feed electric hydraulic pulse motor, ball screw pair and the intermediate transmission gears.
Key words: Numerical control technology; Bedside cabinet; Gearbox; Feed mechanism;
Ball screw;
目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2国内外的发展概况 1
1.3本课题应达到的要求 2
2 总体方案 3
2.1 CK6163的现状和发展 3
2.2 CK6163卧式车床的总体方案 3
3 主轴箱的设计 4
3.1 主轴箱的运动设计 4
3.1.1 已知条件 4
3.1.2 结构分析式 4
3.1.3 拟定转速图 4
3.1.4 确定转速图 5
3.1.5 确定各变速组传动副齿数 6
3.2 齿轮传动设计 7
3.2.1 渐开线直齿轮设计 7
3.2.2 斜齿轮设计 8
3.3 主轴传动设计 11
3.3.1 确定主轴最小直径 11
3.3.2 主轴最佳跨距的确定 11
3.3.3 主轴刚度的校核 12
3.4 带传动设计 12
3.5 滚珠螺母丝杠 14
3.5.1 滚珠丝杠副的种类与结构 14
3.5.2 内循环式 14
3.5.3 外循环式 14
3.5.4 滚珠丝杠副的结构参数 15
3.5.5 滚珠丝杠副的结构特点 15
3.5.6 滚珠丝杠副的安装支撑方式 15
4 变速箱的设计 17
4.1 运动部分计算 17
4.1.1 参数确定的步骤和方法 17
4.2 传动设计 18
4.2.1 传动结构式、结构网的选择 18
4.2.2 主传动顺序的安排 19
4.2.3 传动系统的扩大顺序的安排 19
4.2.4传动组的变速范围的极限植 19
4.2.5 最后扩大传动组的选择 20
4.3 转速图的拟定 20
4.3.1 主电机的选定 20
4.3.2 双速和多速电机的应用 20
4.3.3 电机的安装和外形 20
4.3.4 常用电机的资料 21
4.3.5 齿轮传动比的限制 21
4.4 带轮传动部分的设计 21
4.4.1 带轮直径确定的方法、步骤 21
4.4.2 三角带传动的计算 21
4.4.3 选择三角带的型号 21
4.4.4 确定带轮的计算直径D1、D2 22
4.5 齿轮传动部分的设计 24
4.6 电磁离合器的选择 28
4.6.1 按扭距选择 28
4.6.2 步骤 28
4.7 轴的设计计算 29
4.7.1 轴Ⅱ的设计计算 29
4.7.2 轴Ⅶ的设计计算 29
4.8 纵向进给系统的设计计算 34
4.8.1 纵向进给系统的设计 34
4.8.2 纵向进给系统的设计计算 34
5 结论与展望 40
5.1 结论 40
5.2 不足之处及未来展望 40
致谢 41
参 考 文 献 42