设计简介 |
The article made a brilliant exposition on the designing and transformation scheme of the system of NC machine. The article also exposed brilliantly the mechanism’s mail parts: the ball-screw pairs, Stepper motor, Transmission gear and so on. Doing the design is for the sake of improving the site precision and duplicate site precision of the system. So it can work credibility, meet the require of design assignment list. Besides, the author has writed typical parts of the NC programming, designed and drawed CNC lathe programming diagram of typical components, CNC lathe drive diagram, CNC hydraulic schematic diagram and the CNC lathe feed mechanism assembly drawing. This mechanism is simple and reliable, it can apply to every similar NCmachine.In today’s world, the manufacturing industry occupies a very important position in the economic development, machinery manufacturing industryy is the pillar and more core in the manufacturing industry. Application of numerical control lathe technology has brought the revolutionary change for the traditional manufacturing industry, causes the manufacturing industry to become a symbol of industrialization, but also expands unceasingly along with the development of numerical control technology and applications, it beneficial to the people's livelihood of some important industries (IT, automobile, light industry, medical etc) plays a more and more important role in the development of, digital equipment required for these industries is a major trend of modern development.
Keywords: servo feed, ball screw, nc.
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………IV
1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………1
2 双轴半闭环数控车床总体布局……………………………………………………3
3 伺服进给部件的方案比较和确定…………………………………………………5
3.1 数控系统的比较 5
3.1.1 点位控制系统 5
3.1.2 直线控制系统 5
3.1.3 联系轨迹控制系统 5
3.2 控制方式的选择 5
3.2.1 开环系统 5
3.2.2 半闭环系统 6
3.2.3 闭环系统 6
3.3 增量系统和绝对系统的比较 6
3.3.1 增量系统 7
3.3.2 绝对系统 7
4 X向伺服进给部件的设计 …………………………………………………………9
4.1 伺服驱动装置的设计 9
4.1.1 伺服驱动装置的特点 9
4.1.2 伺服驱动装置 9
4.2 交流伺服电机的设计 10
4.2.1 交流伺服电机的类型的确定 10
4.2.2 确定伺服电机的型号 10
4.3 传动结构的设计 10
4.3.1 伺服电机与进给丝杠的联接确定方案 10
4.3.2 联轴器的比较选用 10
4.3.3 滚珠丝杠副的特点 11
4.3.4 滚珠丝杠副轴向间隙的调整和施加预紧力的方法 11
4.3.5滚珠丝杠副支撑形式的确定 12
4.3.6 滚珠丝杠副的设计选用 13
4.3.7 丝杠轴承的选用 13
4.4 导向机构的设计 17
4.4.1导轨概述 17
4.4.2 导轨的设计任务 17
4.4.3方案比较确定 17
4.4.4 导轨材料的选择 18
4.4.5 直线滚动导轨副的精度选择 18
4.4.6直线滚动导轨副型号的确定 18
5 刀架的设计 ………………………………………………………………………19
5.1 数控车床刀架系统简介 19
5.2 各种刀架的方案比较及选择 20
5.2.1 排式刀架 20
5.2.2 回转刀架 20
5.2.3 带刀库的自动换刀装置 20
5.3 几种典型回转刀架的选择与比较 21
5.3.1 电机传动的回转刀架 21
5.3.2 液压回转刀架 21
5.3.3 用于车削中心的可安置动力刀具的转档刀架 21
6 Z向伺服进给部件的设计…………………………………………………………27
6.1 方案选择与确定 27
6.1.1 机械传动系统方案的选择 27
6.1.2 丝杠的选择 28
6.1.3 导轨的选择 29
6.1.4 联轴器的选择 29
6.1.5 伺服电机的选择 30
6.1.6 确定方案 31
6.2 伺服进给装置的设计 31
6.2.1 悬臂处的滚珠丝杠副 31
6.3 滚动直线导轨 32
6.3.1结构与特征 32
6.3.2滚动直线导轨的优点 33
6.3.3导轨镶装结构 33
6.4 机械系统设计分析 34
6.4.1计算传动比i 34
6.4.2系统刚度计算 35
6.4.3固有频率计算 35
6.5 锥环无键联轴器 35
6.6 滚动轴承的选择 36
6.6.1 常用滚动轴承的类型、特性和应用 36
6.6.2滚动轴承类型选择 36
6.6.3分析对比 36
7 小结 ………………………………………………………………………………39
致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………41
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………43