摘 要
本设计是关于三自由度的圆柱形机械手。利用Auto CAD软件对制件进行设计绘图。其包括夹持器、小
Industrial manipulator is the mechanical equipment which is used in the production
process and simulate to the behave of hands with electrical integration. It can carry
heavy objects and work in the harsh environment which is high temperature, poisonous
,full of dust, flammable and combustible monotonous and full of radioactive substance
instead of people. Manipulator is a automatic device which is used in the automatic
production process and it can carry and move things. It is a new device which is
developed in the mechanization and automatic production process. In recent years , with
the widely used of electronic technique especially the electronic computer. The research
and production of robot has became a new technology which is developing rapidly in the
high-tech industry . It promotes the development of manipulator. It makes the
combination of the manipulator with mechanization and automation become easier .
Manipulator can complete the dangerous and boring work instead of people. It can reduce
labour intensity of people and raise the labour productivity .
This design is a cylindrical manipulator which is related to delta degrees of
freedom. It designs and draws the picture with Auto cad software ,it includes holder, a
small arm, the big arm and the base. The clear and reasonable thinking determines the
working principle of the manipulator . This also checks and calculates the holder,
cylinder, stepper motor and bearing. Apart from this , it contains some pictures and
design and measure the quality , barycentre principal axis of inertia and force of
parts. It can greatly reduce the complicated calculation and check in the design
Keywords: robot, cylinder, checking
摘 要 III
目录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题研究的内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外发展概况 1
1.3 工业机械手设计内容 2
1.4 机械手设计的作用 2
1.5 工业机械手的分类和组成 2
2 手部的设计 5
2.1 机械手设计参数和运动方案 5
2.1.1 运动方案 5
2.1.2 驱动系统和位置检测装置的选择: 5
2.2 手部设计的结构和计算 6
2.2.1 机械手的基本要求 6
2.3 手部力的计算 7
2.3.1 夹紧力的计算 7
2.3.2 手爪驱动气缸的设计 8
2.3.3 手部误差的分析 10
3 机械手臂的设计 12
3.1 机械小臂设计 12
3.1.1 小臂驱动力的计算 12
3.1.2 小臂驱动气缸的设计 13
3.1.3 气缸筒壁厚 的计算 14
3.1.4 气缸的选用 14
3.1.5 校核活塞的稳定性 14
3.1.6 小臂刚度校核 15
3.1.7 端盖的连接方式及强度计算 15
3.2 大臂的结构设计 17
3.2.1 大臂的结构和要求 17
3.2.2 驱动力的计算 17
3.2.3 大臂驱动气缸的设计 17
3.2.4 气缸的选择 18
3.2.5 校核活塞的稳定性 18
3.2.6 大臂刚度校核 19
4 驱动系统设计 20
4.1 轴承的设计 20
4.1.1 轴承的选择 20
4.1.2 轴承的计算: 20
4.1.3 轴承的寿命校核: 21
4.2 电机的基本情况和选择 22
4.2.1 电机的选则与计算 22
4.2.2 注意事项 23
4.2.3 工作原理 24
4.2.4 步进电机的特点 24
4.3 谐波减速器 24
4.3.1 谐波减速器的简介 24
4.3.2 谐波减速器的设计 25
4.4 腰座的结构 26
5 总 结 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附 录 31