设计简介 |
摘 要
Crane is used to start heavy materials, transportation, handling and installation of machinery and equipment and other operations, which can reduce manual labor, improve labor productivity and in the production process for some special process operation, mechanization and automation. Lifting mechanism includes a motor, brake, reducer, drum and pulley. Motor through reducer, driving drum rotation, so that the wire rope around the drum or from a roll down to lift heavy loads.
In this paper, ten tons crane hoisting mechanism to do the design calculations to determine the transmission scheme lifting mechanism, hoisting mechanism to determine the working level of the main components of the hoisting mechanism drum, wire rope, wire rope winding system pulleys, motors, United coupling, reducer drives the design calculations, validation reel wall stress, stress reel, hook device is configured to determine program, hook beams, pulley shaft calculation. Hoisting mechanism for running processes, including the lifting speed, lifting and braking time calculations and checking.
Keywords: transmission scheme; winding system; drive; lifting operation
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 桥式起重机的简介 1
1.2 起重机械的发展 2
1.3 起重机械的特点 2
2 起升机构主要部件的设计计算 4
2.1主要参数 4
2.2确定起升机构传动方案 4
2.3 确定吊钩和滑轮组 5
2.4 钢丝绳的计算 6
2.4.1 钢丝绳所受最大拉力 6
2.4.2 钢丝绳允许的偏斜角 7
2.5 卷筒的计算 8
2.5.1 卷筒材料 8
2.5.2 卷筒直径计算 8
2.5.3 卷筒长度 8
2.5.4 卷筒壁压应力验算 8
2.5.5 卷筒应力验算 9
2.6 绳端固定装置的计算 10
2.7 取物装置 12
2.7.1 确定吊钩装置构造方案 12
2.7.2 吊钩主体结构的主要尺寸的计算 12
2.7.3 吊钩强度验算 13
2.7.4 吊钩弯曲部分断面A-A强度验算 13
2.7.5 吊钩弯曲部分断面B-B强度验算 14
2.7.6 推力球轴承的选择 14
2.7.7 吊钩横梁的计算 15
2.7.8 滑轮轴的计算 16
2.7.9 拉板的强度校核 17
3 起升运行机构设计 19
3.1 力矩的计算 19
3.1.1 平稳上升阶段 19
3.1.2 平稳下降阶段 20
3.1.3 上升起动阶段 20
3.1.4 下降制动阶段 22
3.2 电动机的选择 22
3.2.1 电动机的功率确定 22
3.2.2 验算电动机发热条件 23
3.3 减速器的选择 23
3.3.1 减速器传动比 23
3.3.2 减速器的选取 23
3.3.3 输出轴强度校核 23
3.4 起升速度和实际所需功率 24
3.4.1 实际速度 24
3.4.2 实际功率 24
3.5 制动器的选择 24
3.6 起升和制动时间验算 25
3.6.1 起动时间验算 25
3.6.2 制动时间验算 26
3.7.1 疲劳计算 26
3.7.2 强度验算 27
4 总结与展望 29
4.1 总结 29
4.2 展望 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31