设计简介 |
关 键 词:教学楼;建筑设计;结构设计;框架结构;施工组织.
The present building is a secondary school building, located in Shenyang, the gross floor area for 5526.8m2, frame, for the five-storey low-rise, with a total building height of 22.05m, indoor and outdoor elevation to 0.45m, no basement, the structural design of a reasonable service life 50, the seismic intensity of 7 degrees, fire-resistant design for the secondary level, material for the ceramic wall of concrete hollow block. Construction of the ride south, construction is a flat-shaped, to the south at both ends of protruding 2.4m, to facilitate the arrangement of large classrooms, beautiful appearance, reasonable layout, there are 30 general classrooms, at all levels of offices and classrooms are arranged Classrooms lounge, Bathrooms on each floor were arranged at both ends, symmetrical layout, the structure is simple and functional. . Two-plate staircase stairs, all closed-end staircases, were arranged on the north side in the middle of both sides of the classroom, with both ends of the corridor at the bottom of the door to meet fire safety requirements, easy flow of people to evacuate in case of emergency. Structure for the type of cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, in the framework of the structure calculation, using software PKPM-assisted calculation, as is the teaching building, is crucial, so the strengthening of anti-seismic requirements. Key words: teaching building; architectural design; structural design; frame; construction.
目 录
1建筑设计 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2建筑总平面设计 1
1.3构造设计 2
1.4防火设计 3
2结构设计 5
2.1设计原始资料和依据 5
2.2结构设计说明 5
2.3结构体系的选择和布置 6
2.4梁、柱结构布置 7
2.5荷载计算 8
2.6结构分析与计算 9
2.7榀框架计算 29
2.8现浇楼板计算 35
2.9柱下独立基础计算 74
2.10楼梯配筋计算 79
3技术经济分析 85
3.1先进工艺及新技术措施 85
3.2主要技术经济指标 86
3.3 室内环境节能设计计算参数 86
3.4框架设计的基本要求 87
4施工组织设计 89
4.1编制说明及编制依据 89
4.2 工程概况及施工特点 89
4.3施工部署 90
4.4施工顺序及进度计划安排 90
4.5施工总平面布置 91
4.6基础及主体结构施工方案 93
4.7材料、设备和劳动力安排 104
4.8安全文明施工 104
5结论 108
6致词 109
参考文献 110