设计简介 |
摘 要
关键词:注塑模具 齿轮联轴器
The abstract mold is in the industrial production uses the extremely widespread main equipment, is the machinery, the electron, the light industry, the national defense and so on one of industrial production important foundations.Uses the mold production spare part, has, the nodal wood, the cost highly effective low, the guarantee quality and so on a series of merits, is the present age industrial production important method and the craft development direction.Many modern industry development and the technical level enhancement, is decided to a great extent by the mold industry level of development.Therefore the mold industry has become one of national economy foundation industries.
This design topic is the gear shaft coupling note mold, take counts the mold as the master line, has completed the mold craft analysis, the structural design, the processing method, all processes which the mold assembly and so on a series of molds produce.This design the foundation curriculum which learned my university three years has all blended together, for example CAD, the mechanism several designed, the Office software, the numerical control programming and so on.Both before studied the knowledge to perform the review, and studied for the purpose of application, sharpened own ability. Obtained Liu Yuan splendidly in this design process, Mrs. the Zhao Gang attentive direction, expresses the heartfelt gratitude in this to them.
Keyword: note-mold gear-shaf
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
第一章 绪 论 4
1.1 模具的作用与发展 4
1.2 模具制造的特点及基本要求 5
第二章 注塑模设计方案 7
2.1 塑件成型工艺分析 7
2.1.1 塑件(齿轮联轴器)分析 7
2.1.2 热塑性塑料(PA66)的注射成型工艺 7
2.1.3 PA66(尼龙66)的性能分析 8
2.1.4 拟定模具结构形式 8
2.2 注塑机型号的确定 8
2.2.1 有关塑件的计算 8
2.2.2 注射机型号的确定 9
2.2.3 注射机及型腔数量的校核 9
第三章 注塑模的设计计算 11
3.1 浇注系统形式和浇口的设计 11
3.1.1 主流道的设计 11
3.1.2 冷料井的设计 12
3.1.3 分流道的设计 13
3.1.4 浇口的设计 14
3.1.5 浇注系统的平衡 15
3.2 模架的确定和标准件的选用 15
3.3 合模导向机构的设计 16
3.4 脱模推出机构的设计 17
3.5 侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计 18
3.6 模具的排气系统 21
第四章 成型零件的结构设计和计算 22
4.1 成型零件的型芯 22
4.2 斜滑块(瓣合模型腔) 24
4.3 型腔零件强度、刚度的校核 25
第五章 总 结 27
参考文献 28