设计简介 |
摘 要
The Plastic Mold Design of Box Cover
From the analysis of the whole process of the design of plastic pates injection mold, and departure from its processing technology, select a more reasonable design, the process calculation and initially identified the mold structure of the program, the final design of some parts of the mold. Due to the product structure is more complex, the mold structure and manufacturing process is relatively complex, production volume in bulk, the accuracy of IT10, the cost will be higher. The die is used to design a mold two cavity, so increases the complexity of the structure, calculation and design of the core-pulling mechanism, and grasp the mold moving parts design, including the calculation of the size of positioning parts and molded parts and checked. Spure slug and shunt used in the mold of the type, so that the parts of the slug of the mold forming board last putter introduced the roleof the parts off the core, to achieve the production of parts. At the same time, the highlight and difficulty of this mold is processing complexity two angled inside core-pulling and its core cavity, but more reasonable lifter device can be improved to achieve the pumping effect, and the organization to produce relatively simple, can reduce the cost of the mold. Also try to select in some parts of the slection of standard parts to reduce tooling cost, core and cavity mosaic structure, while the use of straight-through cooling water, reducing the processing difficulty and cost. Finally, analysis and processing of the mold assembly and cavity.
Keywords: Plastic injection molding;once;medial to the core-pulling
k 安全系数 E 材料弹性模量
Smax 塑料的最大收缩率 q 熔融塑料在模腔内的压力
Smin 塑料的最小收缩率 V塑 塑件体积
P0 注射压力 V注 注射机理论注射量
P公 公称注射压力 F锁 锁模力
Δs 塑件公差 δs 塑件收缩引起的塑件尺寸误差
T 注射机的额定锁模力 LS 塑件尺寸
L凹 型腔尺寸 L凸 型芯尺寸
H塑 塑件內形深度基本尺寸 S 注射机最大行程
d 塑件外径基本尺寸 H 模具闭合尺寸
D 塑件內形基本尺寸 Hmin 模具最小尺寸
h 凸模/型芯高度尺寸 Hmax 模具最大尺寸
δ 模具制造公差 α 倾斜角
A 塑件包紧型芯的侧面积 p 单位面积塑件对型芯的正力
F 塑件的投影面积 n 个数
P 型腔压力 f 摩擦系数
φ 长度系数 Q 总脱模力
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 前言 1
1.1我国塑料模具的发展现状 1
1.2塑料模具的发展趋势 2
1.3中国塑料模具行业存在的问题 3
1.4发展展望 4
2 塑料ABS分析 6
2.1基本特性 6
2.2成型特性 6
2.3综合性能 6
2.4ABS的注射工艺参数 7
3 塑料模的总体设计 8
3.1塑件的形状尺寸 8
3.2型腔数目的决定及排布 8
3.3注射机的选择 9
3.4分型面确定 9
3.5模架的选择 10
3.5.1型腔壁厚的计算 10
3.5.2凹模型腔底部高度 11
3.5.3模架的选择 11
4 成型尺寸及浇注系统设计 12
4.1型腔的内径计算 12
4.2型腔的深度尺寸计算 12
4.3型芯的外径计算 12
4.4型芯的高度计算 13
4.5浇注系统的初步计算 13
5 导柱导向机构的设计 15
5.1导柱导向机构的作用 15
5.2导柱导套的选择 15
6 脱出机构设计 16
6.1推出机构的组成 16
6.2设计原则 16
6.3脱模力的计算 16
6.4推板脱出机构计算 17
6.5脱模机构设计 18
6.5.1简单脱模 18
6.5.2侧向抽芯机构设计 19
7 排气温控系统设计 22
7.1温控系统设计 22
7.2注射模冷却系统设计原则 22
7.3冷却系统的结构设计 23
7.4 冷却水孔直径计算 24
7.5求冷却水在水孔里的流速 24
8 注射机与模具型腔型芯强度校核 25
8.1注射机的校核 25
8.2型腔型芯的强度校核 25
9 模具的装配、试模与维修 26
9.1模具的装配 26
9.2模具装配的主要内容 26
9.2.1型芯装配 26
9.2.2型腔的装配加工 26
9.2.3导柱、导套的装配 26
9.2.4顶杆装配加工 26
9.2.5浇口套的装配加工 26
9.3装配顺序 27
9.4试模 27
9.5模具的维修 27
10 模具装配图 28
11 模具可行性分析 29
11.1本模具的特点 29
11.2市场效益及经济效益分析 29
参考文献 30
总结 31
致 谢 32
毕业设计(论文)知识产权声明 33
毕业设计(论文)独创性声明 34